Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1,018 pages...

That's right, everybody! 1,018 pages of utter rubbish! Granted, health care reform would be a great idea for this country and its citizens. A necessity to form unity about this particular bill is vital for a country to function as a whole. Who, exactly, is Obama trying to feed this to? Me... If so, I'm not buying it!

President Obama has not read the entire document, nor the provisions or limitations it would set for those eligible. Division 4 calls for the system "...both to increase quality and reduce growth in health spending..." Essentially, it wants to force a decrease in spending but also an increase in quality of care? There is sacrifice on either spectrum, it calls for something that is near impossible! Does anybody remember the old saying "you get what you pay for"? Essentially, this is all I had to read to know that this is a bad idea. We sacrifice quality when we spend less, however, the bill asks for an increase in quality.

However, I am still reading this proposed 1,018 page bill and what I find alarmingly disturbing about this proposition is - it's not written as complicated as one would assume a bill of this magnitude to be. It is written in very plain English, and as I discover more through my ventures into this bill that seems larger than Atlas Shrugged (although Ayn Rand's pages were printed on both sides) I will post more on what we need to realize will not help us!

What we American citizens need to realize is that, no matter what we say or do regarding this bill will affect the President's decision - we may be led to believe that, but ultimately and regretfully the decision is in his control and he can do what he wishes. Keep this in mind, this is what you need to know!

Regarding whispers of this bill denying coverage for those with diagnosed mental disorders- I've been researching what exactly falls under the category of a "mental disorder" and have been able to find nothing. The bill itself points to section 2705 of the Public Health Service Act which in turn points to a different law, and it is rather confusing. I will, however, discern the truth! There is also talk that I've heard in passing of this reform neglecting senior citizens with dementia, people with pre-existing heart conditions, etc.
This bill is still being read, and the entire revised bill is published for public access. You will, however, need Adobe reader to view this document.

Available from edlabor.house.gov

You need to know that this health care reform will only force us to pay more money into the government. You need to know that in doing this, we will see a major difference in the level of care and treatment. You need to know that this is an excellent idea, in theory! You need to know that implementing such a bill, will cause radical changes in overall health care. You need to know that no matter what you do at this point in time will do nothing, unless you strike fear in those striking fear against you!

But we wouldn't want to get thrown into Guantanamo, would we?

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