Sunday, August 30, 2009

Seeking out "Terrorists"

A rather disturbing report from CNN would lead you to believe that an even greater divide shall fall among this country. The Justice Department is doing a full-blown investigation on the CIA's interrogation tactics for "suspected terrorists". What's really going on here? Look, I understand that these "unorthodox techniques" have been used for years. I understand that it has only been a topic of discussion here and there, but nothing big was made of it - and if it was, the media didn't show more than about a week's worth of discussion.

What we need to be talking about is our crippling economy. Yes, the unemployment rate went down, but do you know what constitutes the unemployment rate? This is the number of people who are off of unemployment benefits - this does not mean that they have a job. This rate is going to increase, I know for a fact in Missouri, they are cutting office jobs in the state Capitol. Why? We were given the most of the economical stimulus money - which I don't see helping anywhere around here!

There is a bigger picture here. "Terrorists" were created to keep the American public in fear! It is how we feed into that fear which affects our daily lives. I do not need a color coordinated chart to tell me which days I need to be more afraid - how about you? I do not need our Central Intelligence Agency meandering around, playing with guns, and messing everything up even more - especially since Abdul Aziz al-Hakim passed away with his "will" misappropriated to the public.

This corruption isn't only in the CIA, it's in the Federal Reserve and Religious groups as well. It's amazing what tactics people will use when they believe their religion will justify them. Now, this investigation is based on the principle that nobody is above the law - I can see that! These tactics are going to be used, regardless of what people think or say. Seeking out "terrorists" to "interrogate" them - fighting fear with fear has what type of end result - anger!

So what you need to know is that the Justice Department is setting this investigation up to distract from the real issues at hand. What you need to know is that fighting fire with fire only causes an explosion. What you need to know is that there are millions upon millions of Americans without jobs - and those who thought their jobs were secure are facing a harsh reality. What you need to know is that "terrorists" exist here in the United States in the form of Political leaders and Government officials. What you need to know is that "terrorism" is used to strike fear - and why should you be afraid?

Politics and Religion

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim passed away - sadly, strong political figures are dying? Sounds strange, but I shall continue! He passed on and had his son read his "will". In his "will", he asks the Iraqi's to unite in preserving the constitution and electing government officials - stating these to be "religious and national duties"...

Since we have successfully dismantled the Iraqi government and set them up with a brand, new High-Def Democratic system - don't you think we should have at least implanted the idea of "separation of church and state" and "freedom of religion" into their new government? Yes, I know this is still a very hard concept for our "advanced" society over here in the good ol' US of A to grasp - but that's not to say the Iraqi people are ignorant to the ways of the world. We presume that these are horrible, native savages - Iraqi's are people, too! Just because you have been misguided by the media to believe September 11, 2001 was "all their fault" doesn't mean that is the case - but I am getting onto a whole other topic, which will be discussed in a later blog!

Shia Islam (the followers known as Shiites) is an organized religion. As with every organized religion you have your general "Yeah, I believe it..." lefty, laid back types as well as your "I'm all gung-ho to blow up shit..." righty, ultra conservative types. Why do you believe America is even divided into liberal and conservatives? Any way, I do believe this "reading of the will to the general public" is going to be cause for disaster.

Their is a term, "mob mentality" which basically refers to a group of people with one thought pattern. We have seen this with our Armies, "hell-bent to get the terrorists". We have seen this with the holocaust, "hell-bent to kill the Jews, blacks and gays". We have even seen this in the Bible (yes, I hate referring to that book, but since so many Americans blindly follow a book - we shall use it as a reference), "whip that Jew, he's not the messiah". The thoughts and concerns of the public has never protected the rights of minorities or people who were different or thought of as "inferior"!

Religion sets out to complete it's own mission - regardless of who gets in the way. I just fear, for this country, that it will get out of control. I feel the religious objective will get in the way of their baby steps as a new country and sever the laws before they have been fully applied. Unfortunately, this "will" being publicly read, with such an impact this man made on the community, the word will be taken by many to the grave - and who knows how they will get there?

What you need to know is that the extremists of any religion are called that for a reason. What you need to know is there is going to be a massive uprising of Shia Islams against any force that tries to oppose them. What you need to know is we still have troops over in Iraq and (as much as I oppose the war) even more people are going to die. What you need to know is that politics and religion should never mix - even our founding fathers knew that was a bad idea.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1,018 pages...

That's right, everybody! 1,018 pages of utter rubbish! Granted, health care reform would be a great idea for this country and its citizens. A necessity to form unity about this particular bill is vital for a country to function as a whole. Who, exactly, is Obama trying to feed this to? Me... If so, I'm not buying it!

President Obama has not read the entire document, nor the provisions or limitations it would set for those eligible. Division 4 calls for the system "...both to increase quality and reduce growth in health spending..." Essentially, it wants to force a decrease in spending but also an increase in quality of care? There is sacrifice on either spectrum, it calls for something that is near impossible! Does anybody remember the old saying "you get what you pay for"? Essentially, this is all I had to read to know that this is a bad idea. We sacrifice quality when we spend less, however, the bill asks for an increase in quality.

However, I am still reading this proposed 1,018 page bill and what I find alarmingly disturbing about this proposition is - it's not written as complicated as one would assume a bill of this magnitude to be. It is written in very plain English, and as I discover more through my ventures into this bill that seems larger than Atlas Shrugged (although Ayn Rand's pages were printed on both sides) I will post more on what we need to realize will not help us!

What we American citizens need to realize is that, no matter what we say or do regarding this bill will affect the President's decision - we may be led to believe that, but ultimately and regretfully the decision is in his control and he can do what he wishes. Keep this in mind, this is what you need to know!

Regarding whispers of this bill denying coverage for those with diagnosed mental disorders- I've been researching what exactly falls under the category of a "mental disorder" and have been able to find nothing. The bill itself points to section 2705 of the Public Health Service Act which in turn points to a different law, and it is rather confusing. I will, however, discern the truth! There is also talk that I've heard in passing of this reform neglecting senior citizens with dementia, people with pre-existing heart conditions, etc.
This bill is still being read, and the entire revised bill is published for public access. You will, however, need Adobe reader to view this document.

Available from

You need to know that this health care reform will only force us to pay more money into the government. You need to know that in doing this, we will see a major difference in the level of care and treatment. You need to know that this is an excellent idea, in theory! You need to know that implementing such a bill, will cause radical changes in overall health care. You need to know that no matter what you do at this point in time will do nothing, unless you strike fear in those striking fear against you!

But we wouldn't want to get thrown into Guantanamo, would we?